I expected another dull Linux how-to book, which goes over the man/info of the most obvious commands, but instead I found an interesting, original, advanced hardcore book, full of Linux goodies to brag about in front of my colleagues.
Some note worthy items:
- A thought effective usage of SSH, especially as a secure channel for moving bits around the network, between a pair of processes each running on its own host.
- How to reset your root password, without a rescue disk, using the LILO boot loader.
- I didn't knew about ext2/3 chattr and lsattr before reading the book...
- Periodical rsync runs could save a lot wasted scp time.
- (#44) burning a CD over the network using a pipe - cool
- (#50) setting up a VPN using IPIP tunneling :-)
- (#57) lsof - hey, I've been using it for years.
- (#63) loved to learn that the send_arp utility can help me to revoke all of the subnet's machine (and router?) IP->mac mapping. Handy when setting up a two bits IP fail-over system.
- (#68) ssh-agent - now I know what it is - very useful in the hands of an all mighty admin ruling over hundreds of minions machines.
- (#73) loved the one-liners perl scriptlets.
To conclude, a must have in your bathroom library.