Thursday, October 31, 2013

A unit test to enforce max heap when running Android UT on the PC

2013's mobile devices come with 1-2GB RAM, yet Android still enforces a very small heap size of 24MB-64MB only (though it keeps increasing with time).
It's pretty easy to write an Android app that drains the heap. For example: Caching images w/o an LRU cache, reading whole files into memory instead of working with streams.

-- Your code will always use up as much memory as the system has (My spin on Parkinson's law).

I'm developing an Android app with a big UT suite that I run on Eclipse in the PC. I noticed that my default heap size is 256MB, huge compared to mobile, meaning my tests could pass on the PC, but still cause an OOME on an actual device.

So, I created MobileLikeSmallHeapDuringTestsEnforce, a new unit test to enforce a small heap size during Junit tests execution. Just make sure you throw it in to any test project you have and you're safe.

Created as a GitHubGist, you're welcome to make it better:


  1. Awesome stuff Gili. Things like this tend to get overlooked (which is probably why small heaps like that are still enforced) so it's always nice when someone steps up and develops something to fix it.

    Makbule N.

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